325 2nd NH Turnpike South Francestown, NH 03043

Tel: (603) 547-2976 Fax: (603) 547-2636

Hours: 8:40 AM - 3:25 PM

Related Contacts

Bus Company Tel: (603) 924-9211

District Administration

SAU #1 106 Hancock Road Peterborough, NH 03458

Tel: (603) 924-3336 Fax: (603) 924-6707

Learning Environment

Francestown Elementary School (FES) is committed to a child-centered approach to education. Students are instructed along a continuum known as competencies or progressions, and they are grouped for instruction based on what they can currently do and what they need to learn next. This year, the school consists of a combination kindergarten and grade one class, a grade two class and a combination grade three and grade four class.

FES provides intervention/support through differentiated instruction and intervention periods. FES teachers collaborate with peers to provide Multi- Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in addition to core academic instruction. The special education staff collaborates with other educators, administrators, families and area agencies to meet the individualized educational needs of those children who are identified as eligible for special education. The school helps to identify individual student strengths and needs using formative and summative assessment techniques, observations and interviews. Students who demonstrate mastery of grade level standards are challenged through enrichment activities and instruction in the next appropriate standard to ensure all students achieve at high levels.

Teachers deliver research-based instruction through an instructional framework called a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). This instructional and behavioral framework provides each student with the help and support he or she needs to meet grade level expectations outlined in New Hampshire’s College and Career Ready Standards. Students’ learning experiences include a rich mix of whole group instruction, small group instruction, differentiated learning centers, and independent work. During whole group instruction, teachers model key concepts and skills for all students. During small group instruction, teachers target instruction to meet the specific learning needs of each student, guiding students as they practice applying concepts and skills—working with students until they meet the expectations for their grade level.

Family Involvement

Francestown Elementary School (FES) believes that students are most successful when there is a strong home/school connection. FES has focused on strengthening these relationships through well-attended parent information evenings, increased communication, and a stronger social media presence.

Our active PTO meets monthly to plan activities for students and pursue fundraising activities. Each year the PTO funds multiple in-school activities and field trips. In recent years, the students have participated in Circus, NHDI, Crazy 8s Math Club, and other artist-in-residency programs. On any given day there are volunteers in our school providing during and after-school enrichment programs such as running clubs, hiking, and gardening.

Parents work as an integral part of a team with the FES teachers to give all children many opportunities and supports that make their total experience at FES rich and full of lifelong learning.

Community Connection

FES students participate every year in a Veterans Day program to honor and remember local community veterans and armed service workers. They also participate in the annual Labor Day celebration.

Every year, FES students extend their learning by having experiences with teachers from Harris Center, The Cornucopia Project, and other residency and enrichment programs. The school is utilized for many community events such as outreach presentations, holiday fairs, and blood drives. It is our aim for FES to be at the center of the local community.